Elevations: weekly email from FieryFX


We're allowed to have adult tantrums, right? 


“I’m starting a business because I LOVE processes and documentation,” said no one, ever. 

I'll be the first to share that I HATED the idea of documenting processes and creating SOPs (standard operating procedures) when I started my business. 

I mean, I threw tantrums. 😅

But the thing is - documentation is a necessity if you want an efficient, scalable, profitable business. 

Ugh. I know. But it's true. 😎

And it's true that focusing on SOPs eventually gives you freedom, consistency, and helps just about every area of your business and teams' roles. 

So what do you say...wanna join the post-tantrum SOP train with me?

But how?

Starting with SOPs can be a little daunting, the first step is really to think about WHERE you will capture processes. 

The simple answer? Somewhere consistent that you'll actually use. 

Yes, okay - you’re looking for more specifics on starting with SOPs...well, every business is different so it depends, and there are some considerations you'll want to have in mind. 

I share what these are in this week's podcast so you can get started confidently with documentation. You can watch it on YouTube or listen on your preferred platform

Happy documenting :)

Listen to Elevated

Ready to Start Your First SOP?

Have in mind where you'll keep it? Ok it's time to think about one, repeatable task you or a team member do that you'd like to have documented.

Start with a small task with few steps/tools/people involved to get your footing. 

Got that task in mind? Great! Listen to this week's podcast for next steps or give your own documentation process a go!

One of the best ways we've found others use their free Sales System Health checks is to dig out inefficiencies in their sales process, come up with ways to course correct, and lay out a plan for documenting their new ways. 

If you'd like the same support, or want specific help on your SOP process, book your Sales System Health Check at the link below!

Book Your Free Sales Health Check


Listen to Episodes of Elevated Podcast

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