
Do you know how to spot when your “check engine” light is on in your sales system? 🚨

Not sorry...

When clients want to grow their efficiency, streamline their processes, and maximize their efforts, one of the first things we do is assess their current situation. 

And in that assessment, one of the first places we look is the sales system. Many team leaders and business owners forget to look at this system, or can be quick to ignore warning lights due to other factors. 

But powerful change lies in digging into the warning lights our sales systems are showing us. 

What are these “check engine” warning lights you ask? And what do you do when you notice them? I spill all the tea…in this week’s episode of Elevate, now available on YouTube and your preferred podcast platform 😉

If you’re looking for some quick sales wins before the end of the year, or to set you up in 2024, this episode may have just the thing you need. 

Oh, and by the way, if you or someone you know is looking to hire or be hired as an outside expert in 2024, my book High-er Help can really help set them up for success. It breaks down the good, the bad, and the ugly of hiring and being hired so we can all show up our best in these rewarding, but sometimes challenging relationships.


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