Sometimes things don't need to be automated 🀯...
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Elevations: weekly email from FieryFX


This may come as a surprise...

angry little girl

...But I’m actually not an advocate of getting super automated and fancy...

You aren’t wrong if you expect me to be giddy with excitement about using technology for all kinds things like automation, metrics, efficiency, etc.Β 

BUT, I don't think technology needs to be overly complicated or fancy.Β 

In fact, I think that's why many of us avoid technology as a tool to help us.Β 

It can be overwhelming to know where to start. Especially if you think you need all the bells and whistles.Β 

Most of the time simplicity is the best route.

So how to start using technology simply?Β 

What if I told you 5 minutes was all you needed to get started?Β 

Yep…in 5 minutes, I promise I can get you started with understanding how you can harness the power of these technologies in your life or business.Β 

I break it down with one example in this week's podcast (an oldie but a goodie) listen at the link below! 👇

Listen to the Podcast!

PS - if you care about metrics, this week's podcast is also for you...

One of the cool ways people are using AI these days is to help with their dashboards (we're doing that internally!), reporting, and other data collection.Β 

If you have been meaning to pay attention to your metrics, perhaps learning the basics of what to track and finding AI to support you in it (aka make it painless) is the first step. This week's podcast episode will help you with part one of that!

Speaking of Simple, have you gotten your Free Sales System Elevation Checklist?

If you want a simple gut check on how your sales process is supporting you (or not), we made you this free checklist that is designed to give you insights into how to improve your sales in just 15 minutes.

Take your sales process to the next level, simply, with this checklist!

Oh, and if you want to go to the next level (I see you overachievers) this checklist is a great precursor to a Free Health Sales Check with me!

Get Your Free Checklist


Listen to Episodes of Elevated Podcast

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